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Learning Support
Â鶹ÊÓƵ Christian College provides ongoing opportunities for each student to learn, progress and excel. Our dedicated staff offers support that promotes the building of solid foundations for a lifetime of learning.

No matter our starting point, improvement is progress that is to be celebrated.

NCC Learning Support

The teaching staff at NCC places an emphasis on supporting the individual learning needs of students wherever possible. We recognise that every student learns differently and we strive to tailor learning experiences to meet these individual needs. Learning Support staff values working collaboratively with teachers, privately accessed Allied Health professionals, medical specialists, parents and students in a holistic approach to provide an integrated support network within the mainstream school. Supports are provided in key numeracy and literacy areas. Our staff remains dedicated to nurturing student attitudes of positive self-worth and achievement.

Teacher referral (based on academic performance), standardised assessment results, specialist reports, and allied health testing are the main avenues considered in identifying students requiring extra support. Classroom teachers regularly monitor each student’s progress, in consultation with school administration.

Important Links:

Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers Regarding NCCD